Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Idaho Potato Q&A

Hope you potato fans find this interesting!

How do I know I'm buying Idaho potatoes?
To be sure you're getting genuine, top-quality Idaho Potatoes, look for the "Grown In Idaho" seal, which features a silhouette of the state of Idaho, and for the registered certification mark, "Idaho Potatoes."

Genuine Idaho potatoes have a rounded, somewhat elongated shape, few and shallow eyes, net-textured skin and a deep brown color. Look for clean, smooth, firm-textured potatoes that have no cuts, bruises or discoloration.

Don't buy potatoes that are soft or have excessive cuts, cracks, bruises or discoloration and decay. If your potatoes have any green spots, pare them off before cooking because they could taste bitter.

Why are my potatoes turning green?
The greenish color sometimes seen on potato skins occurs when the potatoes have been exposed to natural, artificial, or fluorescent lights.  This can also occur if when a potato is growing a crack in the soil exposes the potato to sunlight.  This is mostly discovered before being sold.

Greening happens a lot more than it used to because supermarkets are often open for longer hours so their displays receive more direct light.  However, it can also happen at home if you store your potatoes out in the open where they are exposed to light.

The green color on the potato is chlorophyll developing in the skin and along with this change, increased quantities solanin is also formed.  Solanin is part of the flavoring complex that gives the potato its taste.  This is concentrated close to the potatoes surface and is easily removed when peeled.  Only if the potato has prolonged exposure to light will the bitter taste and color penetrate deeper into the potato.

We recommend that you don’t eat the green part of the potato because of its bitter taste.  Just peel away the green sections before preparing the potatoes and serving to your guests.

What is the healthiest way of cooking potatoes?
Probably baked with a squeeze of lemon, some salt and pepper. Topping the baked potato with salsa is also a good solution.

How do I get the most nutrition out of Idaho Potatoes?
To preserve the Idaho Potato's abundant nutrients, cook with the skins on whenever possible. And steam, rather than boil potatoes. Save the cooking water after steaming potatoes, as some of the potatoes' nutrients will have leaked into it. Use it to make gravies or bread, or to moisten mashed potatoes.

Do Idaho potatoes contain gluten?
No, Idaho potatoes are gluten free and often used as a substitute for people with these types of allergies.

Is there anything harmful in eating potatoes raw?
There is no harm in eating the potatoes raw, however, you may find them a little harder to digest than when cooked. Willard Scott, the famous NBC weatherman, does this all the time even making a point once to chomp down on an Idaho Potato on a harvest segment of the TODAY show a couple of years ago.

Should I wash my potatoes before storing?
Before storing spuds, look them over and use any bruised ones first. Since dampness can cause decay, it is best not to wash spuds before storing.

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